
Webinar: WHT in Poland – One Year after Big Tax Reform

One year after big tax reform

Complying with Withholding Tax (WHT) rules is a key challenge for business. On 1 January 2022, Poland introduced a new pay and refund mechanism to the WHT rules which will have a significant impact on taxpayer cashflow. This change together with restrictive conditions for the application of an exemption or reduced rate of WHT could make cross-border payments difficult to secure.

Join Head of Tax Piotr Prokocki and Tax Associate Wojciech Jaskuła from international law firm Penteris in focusing on the practical aspects of the new WHT regulations and looking at ways to minimize potential WHT risk. Tax experts Piotr and Wojciech will cover the following points:

  1. Polish WHT rules;
  2. Concept of ‘beneficial owner’;
  3. Pay and refund model;
  4. WHT sanctions;
  5. ATAD 3 Directive;
  6. Securing tax risk.

Enjoy our webinar!